Chinese evergreen is a decorative plant native to Asia with several interesting varietals. They all have large, narrow, and glossy oval leaves on short stems, and flowers (on older plants) that bloom in spring or summer. The Chinese evergreen is one of the most popular houseplants and its color variations—from dark green and silver to red—add personality to your home's decor. Chinese evergreens are slow-growing, attractive, and make excellent indoor foliage plants that can be planted and cared for year-round. Best of all, they don't like full sun, so they're perfect for almost any room in your home, especially if window light is a commodity.
The Chinese evergreen plant thrives in moist—but not water-logged—soil. To achieve this balance, water your plant thoroughly, then allow it to dry out before watering again. You can maintain this cadence through the spring, summer, and fall, tapering off in the winter (but never letting the plant dry out completely).
Aglaonema will thrive in low to bright light levels. The lighter the leaf colour the higher the required light levels. Plain, dark green varieties will thrive in near shade, whereas the lighter, variegated types need well lit, bright conditions. Avoid direct sunlight as this will scorch the leaves. |